Computer Science Lesson Plan
Class: 3rd, Lesson 14 : Basic Repeat Condition

Purpose: Students will learn to play games using buttons and directions provided in the exercise video. Students will learn North / South / East / West and North-East / South-East / North-West /South-West directions from this exercise video. Students will learn to use the arrow icons in the tool. Students will learn the concept of repeating specific actions (the ‘Repeat’ button).

No. of Classes

Depending upon the class strength (3 classes for 15 students).

Material Required (curse A & B)

Curriculum Content
  • 4.1) Direction
  • 5.3) Loop
  • Prior knowledge

    Students should be familiar with the four directions North / South / East / West.


    Exercise: 1

    1. Help the squirrel reach the location where the corn is placed, by guiding with directions.

    Exercise: 2

    2. Help the man move on the slopes to reach the end of the slopes. Click here for the exercise.


    Teacher Instruction
    1. Ask students to recall the symbols used in "Happy Maps."
    2. What happens when the "North" arrow button is clicked? What happens when the "East" arrow button is clicked? What would happen if we made a mistake when doing directions movements? What if there was a "bug" in our program?
    3. Encourage students to think about the debugging tips, Was everything right at the first step? How about the second? Where did it go wrong?
    4. Our main duty is to make the Students observe and understand the directions to be used to reach the destination.
    5. Teachers can initially explain about the exercise and about directions to Students so that when the Students try the exercise, they would find it easy.
    6. Please Sign in to first then click on the link.